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Embedded Database for Renesas IoT Device

ITTIA and Renesas partnership provides full data management ease-of-use for IoT devices on RZ/A that pairs the power and versatility of microprocessors with the compactness and simplicity of microcontroller.

Devices in smart, mission-critical communication networks, such as sensors and IoT gateways, produce a stream of data that needs to be stored, analyzed and connected. This accumulation of data will have significant impact on data growth as manufacturers require more intelligence from the device. ITTIA DB SQL captures large volumes of data on flash media and offers embedded developers working with the RZ/A MPUs standard technologies such as SQL and the relational model, which are commonly found in enterprise RDBMS products, in a compact package. This allows developers to build robust, mission-critical systems that analyze information to make complex decisions at the point of origin. We are delighted to share our database software, which has organically grown to its current stage according to the market demands from embedded developers using Renesas RZ/A MPUs. The combination of ITTIA DB SQL and RZ/A MPUs will offer tremendous development and cost savings to innovative IoT and embedded developers.