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ITTIA DB SQL Replication Adds Embedded Linux Data Reliability

May 9, 2015 — Bellevue, WA — ITTIA announces the availability of ITTIA DB SQL for Embedded Linux and allows embedded software developers to manage, share and communicate data stored in ITTIA DB SQL on Embedded Linux.

ITTIA DB SQL is a relational embedded database for special-purpose systems that require self-contained data management software. Combination of Embedded Linux operating and ITTIA DB SQL embedded database empowers Linux mission-critical application developers to store, manage and share data reliably. Additional offering includes high availability, replication, concurrency, and security.

ITTIA DB SQL database adds ARM Linux as a supported platform

March 27, 2015 — Bellevue, WA — ITTIA announces the availability of ITTIA DB SQL for ARM Linux and empower embedded software developers to manage, share and communicate data stored in ITTIA DB SQL on the ARM Linux.

ITTIA DB SQL is a relational embedded database for special-purpose systems that require self-contained data management software. ARM Linux is a platform designed for embedded systems and powers many mission-critical applications to store and access data stored data. This offering includes high availability, replication, concurrency, security and many more for ARM Linux developers.

ITTIA DB SQL is compatible with the latest release of MicroC/OS-II

January 19, 2015 — Bellevue, WA — ITTIA, the global supplier of database for embedded devices supports the latest version of μC/OS-II real-time kernel and μC/FS file system. Combination of these two platforms provide strong groundwork for complex multitasking application development.

ITTIA DB SQL multithreading primitives allows μC/OS-II applications connect to the same database concurrently from multiple tasks. μC/OS-II is a multitasking RTOS that is preemptive, real-time, and scalable. The combination of both platforms provides compact, easy to use and flexible embedded development platform.